Mass Art Plein Air Workshop July 2025

In Person at Keene State: The Plein Air Challenge 


July 20th - 26th, 2025


This workshop will be conducted in water-based paints, including acrylics and watercolor. Students will paint on location and will be assisted in setting up to paint: organizing and laying out a palette, setting up an easel, choosing a composition and making a painting. A sketchbook will be used to look at the landscape working from: line to shape, design of the rectangle, incorporating light and dark values, color in terms of warm and cool, and learning to see abstract structure. Specific projects related to composition, color and other formal issues will be assigned. Starting with small quick studies and limited color palettes students will build up to longer one-day paintings. An important component will be learning how to sketch and note-take so as to hone observational skills in order to paint away from the site. Daily group critiques are an important component as well as one-on-one instruction and demonstrations. Student participation in critiques is expected and essential.

Notes: Water-based materials only; no oil paint or water-based oil paint.